What is SeaShare – Norsk

Save money and work by renting not owning

Or make money by renting out your own boat

Lær mer eller del din kompetanse – for tryggere båtliv


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@ SEASHARE – Norges mest ambisiøse båtdelingstjeneste! – Ønsker vi rett og slett å skape det beste produktet på markedet, for båtdeling så vel som for å dele kompetanse, for bedre, tryggere og morsommere opplevelser til sjøs.

We also work to make SeaShare the world’s largest boat pool of private boats, shared and rented. We will not be able to achieve this goal without massive collaboration with cool and motivated boat owners, willing to share their boats. We encourage everyone to join in and spread the word!


Norge er nå på toppen, med den høyeste tettheten av fritidsbåter i verden. Snart flyter 1,2 millioner av disse rundt på våre farvann. Med høyt forbruk kommer et naturlig ansvar. Derfor mener vi at Norge, og vi, også bør ligge på toppen når det gjelder å dele på alle disse båtene. Det skylder vi miljøet, og generasjonene som kommer etter oss! I tillegg er det en meget god følelse å dele – fordi vi kan det! Sharing is caring! Det er morsomt, bærekraftig og økonomisk!

Sailboats and motorboats are the most commonly shared objects, but everything from canoes to surfboards and other sports equipment or sea/boat-equipment is also natural to share. We arrange for both individual rentals and longterm sharing within small groups, the same people sharing a boat throughout an entire season, or for an agreed period of time.

You can improve your skills and knowledge, and receive training through us. Learn more about sea and boat life, go on a sailing trip with a boat owner, or a motorboat trip with other SeaShare fans or members, get to know like-minded people.

We organize events and theme gatherings also, and if you work in a company and wish to have team building on a boat or an island, we can help you set it up!

THE BASIC THOUGHT OF SEASHARE is that no one needs to own everything. The circular economy is here to stay. Sharing boats is not so different from sharing cars, cabins, tools, and anything else we can share. Not all boats are suitable for sharing, but many are. What we do not know well how to do, we can learn from others who know it better than ourselves. Like this we thrive together.


SEASHARE has a strong focus on sustainability. We conduct coastal clean ups and other environmentally directed activities, and we promote sustainable solutions. In addition we support several other organisations in their work for better and cleaner oceans, seas and waters!

It is important now that many of us understand the severe need for this, and that we together contribute to such important work. We can help you get involved, and we can advise you how to support! Please contact us if you are interested.


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